Monday, February 8, 2010

Twitter article: a harpist who plays in grocery stores

I found an article a while back about a harpist who plays in grocery stores! I think it's interesting that the stores were so open to the idea, it seems like a lot of negotiations would be involved. What if someone hits your harp with a cart? Who's responsible, the harpist, the cart pusher, or the store? Does the harpist get paid by the store, or rely on tips? Where do you think the harp loads in, through the automatic doors or the back? What about the temperature, grocery stores are not always room temperature. Are you considered an employee of the store? So many different angles to think about, I wish the article had addressed the uniqueness of this situation a little more, rather than stating facts about the harp that are easy to find elsewhere. Still, when you start out a career in harp, people suggest you play in schools, libraries, conventions, restaurants, but I've never heard grocery store! What would you think if you were looking for carrots and saw a harp instead?

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