Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's OK to make mistakes

Hey students, if you're reading this, you're probably rolling your eyes because of how many times I've said it this month. But let me say it again: It's OK to make mistakes.

Harp lessons are a place to learn, develop, train, form bonds, be inspired, show emotion, be creative, and have fun. There are no test in harp lessons (at least not in mine!), there aren't finals or grades. You won't get fired or sent to your room. So relax. I teach you because I like you. I like spending time with you, I like helping you learn. I get excited when you reach a big goal and I'm happy to help you over bumpy times. I'm not going to yell at you every time something goes wrong.

You come to lessons so that I can teach you to play the harp, not to be perfect. I expect you to make mistakes while learning, and I expect you to be nervous at a recital and make a few there. I still make mistakes all the time, whether in practice, in concert, or while showing you something in lesson (and most of you happily point them out to me).

So stop worrying so much about being perfect. That stuff comes later, when you go to college, when you audition for an orchestra. For now, let's all agree to two requirements for your lessons: let's get ready to learn, and let's have some fun!

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